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Arturia DrumBrute Impact analogna ritam mašina


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Informacije o proizvodu:

Analogna ritam mašina s 10 bubnjarskih zvukova, 64-stepenastim sekvenciranjem s uzorkom, song načinom rada i distorzijskim efektom! Kao i njegov prethodnik, Arturia DrumBrute Impact ritam mašina donosi Vam veliki analogni bubnjarski ton s impresivnim sekvenciranjem i performans mogućnostima! Sa svojim svestranim sync opcijama – MIDI, USB, Clock (četiri različita formata) i interni – DrumBrute Impact je savršen način za dodavanje analogne ritam mašine na bilo koju performans opremu. Mnoštvo kontrola pod rukama pružaju Vam mnogo kreativnih mogućnosti za sve prigode – od old-school tehna i housea do psytrancea, dub, hip hopa, itd. A kao ‘šlag na tortu’ Arturia DrumBrute Impact sadržava ugrađeni distorzijski strujni tok na izlazu i dodaje pravu razinu harmonijskog zalogaja.


Cijena za kartično plaćanje i za zamjene: 376,20 €
Cijena za gotovinu: 338,55 €

Moguće su zamjene za glazbenu i scensku opremu, laptope i mobitele.

Moguće je plaćanje do 36 rata bez kamata (karticama), čak i direktno putem webshopa www.loop.hr. Kod plaćanja pouzećem i plaćanja po ponudi vrijedi cijena s popustom za gotovinu. Moguće izdavanje R-1 računa.

Proizvod je dostupan po narudžbi.

Moguća je i dostava kurirskim službama.

Trošak dostave na Vašu adresu za vrijednosti iznad 79,00 € uračunat je u cijenu proizvoda.
Trošak dostave na Vašu adresu za vrijednosti do 79,00 € iznosi 6,90 €.


Big DrumBrute Sound in a Smaller Frame

Just like its predecessor, the Arturia DrumBrute Impact drum machine delivers big analog drum tone with impressive sequencing and performance capabilities. And with its versatile sync options — MIDI, USB, Clock (four different formats), and internal — DrumBrute Impact is the perfect way to add an analog drum machine to any performance rig. A plethora of hands-on controls offers a ton of creative possibilities for everything from old-school techno and house to psytrance, dub, hip hop, and much more. And to top it off, the Arturia DrumBrute Impact features a built-in distortion circuit on the output to add just the right amount of harmonic bite.

Arturia DrumBute Impact Analog Drum Machine Features:

  • True analog drum machine with 10 drum sounds
  • Drum sounds include kick, two snares, high tom/low tom, cymbal/cowbell, closed hi-hat, open hi-hat, and FM percussion
  • Stores up to 64 patterns, up to 64 steps each
  • Song Mode allows you to chain patterns for expanded compositions
  • Apply swing and randomness globally, or on a per-drum basis
  • Separate accent for each drum
  • Manipulate your patterns in real time with Step Repeat and Pattern Looper
  • Roller effect creates drum rolls
  • Each track can have a different length, allowing you to create polyrhythms
  • 4 individual audio outputs make it easy to record your patterns as multitrack audio
  • Sync options include USB, MIDI, Clock (with four different clock formats), and Internal
  • 1/8″ headphone output